Huwebes, Hulyo 11, 2013

Nel Noddings
Ethics of Care

A notable American feminist, educationalist, and philosopher, Noddings (1929-Present) is best known in her work Ethics of Care . The Ethic s of Care establishes the obligation, and the sense, to do something right when others address us. We do so because either we love and respect those that address us or we have significant regard for them. In that way, the recipients of care must respond in a way that authenticates their caring has been received. The same goes for education. As teachers respond to the needs of students, they may design a differentiated curriculum because as teachers work closely with students, they should respond to the students’ different needs and interests. This response should not be based on a one time virtuous decision but an ongoing interest in the student’s welfare.

1 komento:

  1. Noddings philosophy of education is already exist in society now a days, with compensation or not, teacher are innately caring to their students.
