Huwebes, Hulyo 11, 2013

Charlotte Mason

Mason was a British educator who invested her life in improving the quality of children's education. Her ideas led to a method used by some home schoolers. Mason's philosophy of education is probably best summarized by the principles given at the beginning of each of her books. Two key mottos taken from those principles are "Education is an atmosphere, a discipline; a life" and "Education is the science of relations." She believed that children were born persons and should be respected as such; they should also be taught the Way of the Will and the Way of Reason. Her motto for students was "I am, I can, I ought, I will." Charlotte Mason believed that children should be introduced to subjects through living books, not through the use of "compendiums, abstracts, or selections." She used abridged books only when the content was deemed inappropriate for children. She preferred that parents or teachers read aloud those texts (such as Plutarch and the Old Testament), making omissions only where necessary.

2 komento:

  1. In teaching we have our perception in a way on how we teach the children. Yes we teach our student based in a book we have and what is stated all about, but not all learning we get from the textbook we also get to our experiences. And also the book that until nowadays is very important to us a book that who will guide us always form time to time.

  2. I think that Charlotte Mason wants to emphasize the importance of freedom with the collaboration of the disciplinary approach in teaching children.
