important contributor to the inquiry method in education is Bruner. His books
The Process of Education and Toward a Theory of Instruction are landmarks in
conceptualizing learning and curriculum development. He argued that any subject
can be taught in some intellectually honest form to any child at any stage of
development. This notion was an underpinning for his concept of the spiral
curriculum which posited the idea that a curriculum should revisit basic ideas,
building on them until the student had grasped the full formal concept. He
emphasized intuition as a neglected but essential feature of productive
thinking. He felt that interest in the material being learned was the best
stimulus for learning rather than external motivation such as grades. Bruner
developed the concept of discovery learning which promoted learning as a
process of constructing new ideas based on current or past knowledge. Students
are encouraged to discover facts and relationships and continually build on
what they already know.
Inquiry method is important to our education as Jerome Bruner as the proponent. I agree as what they stated the student must encouraged to discover more facts and relationship and continually process of learning and to develop more for the development of personality.
TumugonBurahinBruner's philosophy emphasizes the importance of both past and new experiences and learning for a human being. He believe that these two types of learning are essential to the totality of an individual. He also stresses that the new learning should be consider by the individual in harmony with the past experiences.