Huwebes, Hulyo 11, 2013

Rudolf Steiner

Steiner founded a holistic educational impulse on the basis of his spiritual philosophy (anthroposophy). Now known as Steiner or Waldorf education, his pedagogy emphasizes a balanced development of cognitive, affective/artistic, and practical skills (head, heart, and hands). Schools are normally self-administered by faculty; emphasis is placed upon giving individual teachers the freedom to develop creative methods.

Steiner's theory of child development divides education into three discrete developmental stages predating but with close similarities to the stages of development described by Piaget. Early childhood education occurs through imitation; teachers provide practical activities and a healthy environment. Steiner believed that young children should meet only goodness. Elementary education is strongly arts-based, centered on the teacher's creative authority; the elementary school-age child should meet beauty. Secondary education seeks to develop the judgment, intellect, and practical idealism; the adolescent should meet truth.

2 komento:

  1. As a young age they are more focus on art or practical work to see more on their personality. I agree to this statement as Rudolf Steiner stated as a children it should only good thing they will see to their environment to have a healthy living so that they will develop a good environment relationship as they will grow up they are more mature to see the truth in life and more intellect person.

  2. I think the author wants to emphasize the realness of Piaget's stages of development. He emphasizes the importance of showing the children the "good life", for in this stage they are only copying what they see. Hence, children should only see what are good so that they can learn and apply it to themselves.
