Lunes, Agosto 5, 2013

Reflection on Common Malpractices of Teachers

This is the common malpractices of teacher. Usually, (1) teacher-student relationship, (2) Physical and mental abuse towards students like (e.g. telling students “moron”, (3) Accepting the payment just to pass the class, (4) corrupt, (5) Favoritism, (6) and Negligence of duty.
          These are the example that we observe of the malpractices of teachers in our society and we cannot deny the fact that this is exist now a days. Behind these issues there is a big question “WHY”. Why is it happen? Or maybe it’s just happen. Or were only a human not prefect and commit mistakes? Is it fit to think like the way it is? How can we prevent those malpractices of teachers? There are a lot of questions that comes in our mind that need an answer.

          In this observation there is a tendency that will change our society molding as a role model of a teacher through this malpractices we destroy the images of a teacher. But sometimes we cannot control our temper to show the real feeling to the students specially when there is a student that will not pay attention to the classroom situation and showing the misbehavior, that teacher needs to  discipline but through the eagerness for not participating and feeling bad sometimes we commit physical and mentally abuse which is not good practices to show to everybody showing your attitudes toward the students. Accepting payment enable to pass, favoritism, corrupt and etc., these malpractices also have big issues specially if the student will not able to shine in the classroom but through giving and paying anything the favoritism will enter to situation that will cause a trouble to other students that are more deserving than  the other one or more. Teacher-student relationship is more happen to the higher level of education this malpractice also is not good it’s because it will destroy the morality of a teacher and not obeying the code of ethics, all of these are showing the negligence of duty of the teacher. In this situation we must change the bad practices to good practices. It is better that we apply to the student a good example of a good teacher, because being a good teacher is a model to all students not only inside the classroom but also outside the classroom.

          Teacher is a noble profession because without teacher we don’t have like (e.g. Engineer, Architects, Nurse, Lawyer and etc.) this is few examples of product of teacher that need to develop in our society.

          In this implication this malpractices of teacher is not good for being a role model to the student. And this malpractice should not be followed.

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